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Repower Charrière Management Customer

Embracing new challenges from an energy utility perspective

“Global trends such as Big Data, Industry 4.0, new forms of mobility and cloud computing will change the energy industry. Technical progress is driving change, for example in storage solutions, but the question is: when is which solution ready for the market?”

– Corinne Zehnder, Head of Strategic Projects at Repower –

Corinne Zehnder explains how energy utilities are preparing for new challenges in the framework of the new Energy Strategy 2050 recently approved by the Swiss Confederation.

Keywords: digitalization, industry 4.0, energy strategy 2050, new mobility, prosumer, new business models, change management

Zumikon Charrière Management Customer

Implementing innovative and more sustainable energy solutions

“Projects with multiple stakeholders, tricky cantonal requirements and long-term contracts are usually complex. The question is: how to keep the overview and live up to the expectations”

– Thomas Epprecht, Municipal Council of Zumikon Head of Safety and Property Department –

After many years of stand-by, the heat recovery project in Zumikon will finally be realised!

Thomas Epprecht, municipal councilor and responsible for the project, explains how having competent and experienced consultants on board was a success factor for the project.

Keywords: contracting, heat recovery, wastewater recovery, CO2 reduction, project management

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